Jul 17, 2010


ÄSCH. My first experience in Adobe Photoshop. I need more time to learn it. Oh well. I can't put my finger on what is bad with it. Of course there are many. But first thought, is it my position looking like I am about to fall but still not, the brush, or what is it.....Ja, it is way undermade. There are too many tools... =(


John J. Franks IV said...

If this is a photo of you, I am very impressed! You are more attractive than you know.

Even if it is photo-shopped a bit.

Very Sweet Photo.


Katarina said...

Oh, thank you so much John! yes it is me...=) I am really glad you found your way here and that you like it! It's been some lovely evenings, hot summer days here in Sweden and I just finished my watermelon so I think I have to get a new one...Your comments too, mean so much. Tusen Tack! =)

John J. Franks IV said...

You are most welcome,

Hot days in the desert, cooler nights here, In New Mexico USA. I am honoured to be able to see your Art.

I am glad I found your site as well, you see things in a very interesting way. That makes me look at things a bit differently. I appreciate your comments very much as well.