Jun 29, 2010


So yes, I like to take pictures including pictures on myself.
Taking pics on myself and make them (try to make them) look good feels quite rewarding.
Why should I show the smallest pore of my skin magnifed to the 10,000, when there are helpful tools called Retouchera, Contrast, Brusförminskning, Saturation, Sharpness, Glow, Warmify, Adobe Premium Design... etc etc.

Also, if I would have more willing models around to photograph there would be more of them. Anyone wants to be my model? At own risk of course, no guarantees other than honest engagement of course. And I don't publish them without consent. Think about it. And it's for free!

BUT. I also did the good deed today, I think. On my way to the gym, I signed up for 'Läkare utan gränser' on the street. This doctor  (MD) lured me into his corrupted 'We save lives'. Yeah right.

Nope, just kidding. We do? For as little as 50sek /month. That's minimum though. You can donate more but not less. I did not give him my account, to withdraw 50kr/month on autogiro. Autogiro is because they don't want to waste our money on papers. Good thinking. They will contact me.
Do you see what I see?
Yes. Well, I somewhat failed with the picture but maybe next time I will get some more frame or composition or whatever it's called in it.


Dragging my feet slowly and in despair on the ground, I didn't think I would make it home after such heavy dancing.
I got my 5th (?) picture Catwalk which made me moderatly happy.
I had enough of catwalks I think. It's not exciting to realize that Kat is walking and walking while discovering Catwalks on the walls of Gothenburg.

I am frustrated now. Like this branch of tree glued onto the wall, ripped out from it roots and hang up like....! Usch.
Thank god I found this lovely flash back motif of children's 'kasta stege' (throw ladder)  in the playing ground.
These days I want to be a child again and remember the joy of playing games.


working as a researcher means to think outside the box

keep an open mind
so this is the place where great ideas are born during reload of energy and pause for the mind to process what it has been fed
Today I dance aerobics under the coreography of Niklas, to make room for new synapses to connect


Presence of neutralizing antibodies to HSV were found in the serum of previously infected adults. Only individuals with neutralizing antibodies developed recurrent lesions. Remarkably, measles and rubella antibodies are associated with protection from subsequent episodes of the disease.

National Herpes Hotline  Please see 
disclaimer at bottom of this page.
(919) 361-8488

One significant advance of our understanding of herpes infection was the detection of antigenic differences between HSV types. Already in 1968, antigenic and biologic differences between HSV-1 and HSV-2 were found by Nahmias and Dowdle. The observation was that HSV-1 was more frequently associated with nongenital infection whereas HSV-2 was associated with genital disease.

Infection of epithelial cells in the mucosal surface gives rise to productive replication, resulting in the production of progeny virions, which can spread to infect additional epithelial cells. Virus enters innervating sensory neurons, and nucleocapsids are transported to the neuronal cell body. The viral DNA is released into the neuronal nucleus and circularizes. Circular viral DNA persists in the neuronal cell nucleus, and the latency-associated transcript is expressed. b | Upon reactivation, viral lytic gene expression is initiated, and newly formed capsids are transported to the axonal termini. Infectious virus is released from the axon and infects epithelial cells, resulting in recurrent infection and virus shedding.
Oj, I suddenly was attacked by John Blund. Will ferociously continue tomorrow.
God natt, noapte buna, spakujna nocin and good night herpes wherever you are.