Apr 23, 2010

see slottskogen

 where are you?


På väg hem

Spit it out

Today was a good day at work, lots of updating,
histones are actually active in latency. Roizman was in
Milan talking about herpes hijacking.

I agree, Herpes is a terrorist. It helps to think this way.
Why didnt I go to Milan? Get some reality check I
live on planet earth. Oj, Milan is not the
place to experience earth today.

Day var så bra, att den gick över till natt som stod still, och
sedan till morgon, ett helt dygn av elektriska
impulser, också utan att jag märkte det.
Kortslutning, good night America where ever you are...

Snart är det fredagsfika.
Nu börjar livet     
I am not that content of these illustrations of virus, however....

Viral Entry into Cells
Viruses have evolved a mechanism to avoid 'getting stuck' at the cell surface when emerging from an infected cell.

So true, when I want to avoid getting stuck, I interact weakly to make sure I can shake off easily, and  some caffe latte speeds me up, even better with some sugar.

Influenza virus recognizes a carbohydrate to attach to the cell membrane, which buds out when forming new virions. To avoid getting stuck, the virions destroy the receptors with neuraminidase, which enzyme activity releases the assembled virions from the cell surface.

This is my life in a nut shell.