May 31, 2010

HIGHHHTECCHH ---ieeee hjölp!

Ok, I will go to work now. I use my Mac for blogging and editing
and my PC for work (it has no internet).
And now the freakin fly is bugging me!!


Katarina, hur vågade du ta ett sådant beslut att klippa dit hår?
Näe, jag bara bestämde mig en dag för att, nä nu ska det av!
Och så blev det.

Katarina, where did you find courage to cut your hair off?
I got pissed.

130USD                                                                                                      120USD

 1700USD                   240USD


This method of forging Damascus was used in the Middle Ages to forge extremely high class sword blades for the gentry. Swords made of Torsion Damascus were extremely rare and sought after, so much so that the Vikings raided parts of Europe to obtain such swords.

Herpes is my middle name

On the third place of Google search of Fraktalkine. Not bad blogging.
Soon it will be on PubMed I hope.

Here are some more of fraktalkine then.
The CX3CL1 - Ligand for fraktalkine.
Fraktalkine search gave me also German 
Wikipedia hit of Structures of chemokines. Nice.

Now my lunch is over. Back to work.
This mouse mat from Dubai cost only 100,000 Dirham.
The cup is from Starbucks. And I use it for tea, embarrasing.
But who drinks that much coffee actually?