Oct 4, 2010


The whole weekend was spent in the attics almost, though not this one but the one in Malmö. 
It is now full of things, garbage and paint.
Nice energy stored there for the spring.
funny things found there
I am actually taking pictures on my way up to the attics
I missed taking picture the whole weekend since I was so occupied =(
So now I take pictures every fifth meter I go.
Help, help, let me out...!


train station

train aisle B&W

almost same train aisle color

view from my Malmö living room with my living room lamp - reflection of the window

view from my Malmö bedroom with my bedroom lamp - reflection of the window

cool train B&W + shadows

cool train colorful with my iPhone shell from Tokyo showing in the reflection

cool train with colors on track

me with Chanel glasses on cool train showing reflection of my new blouse from India


Just testing my Photo Editor app on iPhone. Kind of toyful and sort of just fun to play with effects, though not much actual editing taking place.

Lack of motif but not colors.

Lack of motif nr 2 but not age. 
My boot bought in 2008. 

Lack of motif nr 3 but not star quality.
 Got frustrated with this composition so I turned it into this:

Lack of motif nr 3 brought even more frustration when I didn't know how to finish up the picture so I added the effect of my mental state.
Kiss and pop.

No lack of motif nr 1 and limiting edition at the end of the station.