Jul 8, 2010


What was it with the birds and the rain today?


Jag vill uppleva åtminstone lite svensk sommar.
Do you see me in the drop in the middle?

Ah, it was hard to get the drop near and right in the middle. It moved you see.

let oil drop


Today the food on my table was from GUDAGOTT
This store at Mariaplan has delicious food and sweet personnel.

Vilt salami from Jämtland - an aha-experience 

Kalvdans (calf dance)- cultural dessert from Västergötland
Calf dance is made from raw cow milk, only 5% fat and is flavoured with sugar, spices etc.
The raw milk is the first, dark yellow milk that the cow gives after kalvning (giving birth to her calves). This milk contains extra of everything, more fat, more vitamins, more iron and a lot of antibodies. The yellow color is due to increased amounts of caroten and vitamin A. The antibodies  - up to 60 gram per litre raw milk - help the calf to get it's immune system going, including f.ex lactoferrin which has antibacterial features. The amount of protein makes the raw milk 'coagulating' when heated, just like eggs. This is the secret behind the consistency of kalvdans, and also the reason why raw milk is not sent to the dairies. Unfortunately this dessert is facing extinction. 
Kalvdans can only be distributed by local stores.
It is best served warm and perhaps with some jam and tastes something like pannacotta or creme brulée.


Dzermany - Hespanja
Begga, At Red Lion in Gothenburg


I just want to mention first that I try from now on to add some link to a song which I think is suitable for the post I make. In case it is not evident why there is some text of whomever/whatever next to pictures. So they are links to songs from Spotify.  
With this post I want to give a rose to the person who handed in my forgotten purse to the driver of tram 8. Tusen tack!

picture of rose is from www.foundshit.com
 the above picture is from our country house in Skåne
 and at this exact place I left my purse on tram 8 (with EVERYTHING in it: keys, all creditcards, usb memories with data!!)

(I couldn't find song called spårvagn 8 =)


I found a website on the internet, where one can do paintings with brushes. I did this absolutely stunning herpes painting. It is herpes with the glycoproteins I work with and the membrane (lipid bilayer) of a cell (looks like rail way). Refinement of my technique is needed...? Though this painting took only 1min to make and w know that time is money.