May 30, 2010


Tack så mycket för de söta presenterna.
Söta, goda smultron till fruktost varje dag! =)

Vin från Österrike och supergoda, chokladdragerade solrosfrön från regionen. =)

Sillsallad blev inte så lyckat denna gången tyckte jag.
Men den försvann ändå. =)

Muffinsen däremot... vilka goda muffins om jag får säga det själv! =)


In fact in a while everyone will know who I am.
You will hear about my achievements on the radio,
listen to my songs, apply for my money and become
inspired by me.
I will set the tune for many years to come.
My name is Katarina. Like Madonna.
Remember it.

My dissertation coming up soon

The stairs in the conference hall where I will have
my dissertation in 2011.

One of the tables in the audience.

It will be written on the table:
Latent Lucia, Holy Olga and Katarina the Great came and

Mega Fleamarket in Majorna

It is really Mega - bigger than Paris and New York.
And to think that I live here, right outside my window.
I am right in the center of attraction.

Lots of People!


I could not resist... =(

But I have a new theme.

These made me smile on my way back.

Vårfest in the name of herpes virus

The theme for tonight was Greece.
Lovely greek lamb, salad and Stockholmskakor for dessert.
Dancing to Elvis the greek way. Multinational is the word.
I made our team loose when trying to get the
pen in the bottle. Loosing sucks! Would have
been so nice to win the price. Like the woman
who won the lottery three times in a row,
which can happen only 1 in 8000.
Luck had nothing to do with it.

Defending my rights dans le petit dejeuner