Jun 13, 2010


Prof Nikita Matsunaga is an Associate Professor in Computational and Physical Chemistry
at the Brooklyn campus of Long Island University.
I had the pleasure of working on one of his projects in the summer of 2001.
My work with him unfortunately ended after I moved back to Sweden after 9/11,
and now looking back at the opportunity I was given, being right in the middle of
adventure, my heart starts beating faster when I read the stuff his doing.
Check this out:

Nikita Matsunagas Webpage 

(proudly find my name on his page Students  -post students... =)

Role of surface crossing

In the undergraduate program, you are taught that a chemical reaction is a 
process that transforms reactants to products via a transition state.
For simple reactions, this is a good picture.
Life is a lot more complicated than man! How does an excited state decay?
How does the spin of an electron get flipped during reaction to get diradicals?
These are the questions we can not answer from the conventional single potential
energy surface picture.

Photochemistry has full of these examples. One of such reactions we are interested in
is called spin-forbidden reaction.
The reaction starts out having all electrons paired (singlet state).
During the reaction, one of the electrons flips its spin to become a diradical state (triplet state).  We need to consider both the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces.  The most important feature common to both potentials is the lowest energy crossing point between the two states. 

By investigating the minimum energy crossing point, we can learn about what geometry of the molecule the spin is likely to flip as well as probability of the event can be calculated.

 Part of Medicinareberget, Gothenburg.
Unfortunately could not put Nikita's picture of S-T crossing in.

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