Jun 12, 2010


When I grew up, this was one of our favorite Romanian entrees on New Year's
dinners or other special events, like birthdays, Easter or parties.

It is a sort of aioli, only with caviar instead of garlic. I used sikrom today, but it
should be löjrom. I just wanted to experiment and see what sik gave me.
Unfortunately disapppointment.

  • Put the caviar in a bowl.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice  - this step is very important since lemon makes the                oil go fluffy and white.
  • Stir ( I am comfortable with a wooden spoon ) - like you do when you do mayonnaise.
  • Add sunflower oil (because it doesn't really have any taste in comparison to olive oil)  little at a time, and be careful not to 'cut' the composition.

  •   Keep stirrring while the oil is added, and see how a thick fluffy paste is being                       formed. 
  • Continue adding oil, and when it gets too dense (then the volume shrinks) add a few       drops of water. The water will multiply the icre.
  • Repeat until you have the desired volume. This varies according to taste. I usually add more caviar because I love caviar. 
  • Finish with adding salt after taste, but note that caviar is already salt.
  • Serve it on homemade bread =)  or in these little cups from ICA!

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