Nov 16, 2010


I am so pissed! The 'fixing' of my new site is soooo bothersome. I am getting hysterical soon about WordPress and the pages, menues, posts, settings...

It just doesn't want to work the way I want.

THEREFORE, I will let you in on the site completely unfinished. It will be updgraded as the leaves fall, with the speed I have maybe it will be looking respectable sometime in March?

APOLOGIES for the messy look, and please be patient with a menu disappearing now and then, on e getting added, links are going to the underground, or the buttons look dangerous.
 I will try to maintain the blog on the front page though.
If you have any suggestions or so, please feel free to leave a comment! =)

Merci beaucoup, thank you si multumesc, spasiba and oh, so many countries on the map-...

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